Sunday, June 1, 2014

International Chocolate Day

Hi SoBrown Lovers. Have you ever heard about International Chocolate Day? Do you know when is that? Okay in this writing SoBrown will share some information about International Chocolate Day.
International Chocolate Day is celebrated on 13th September. Why 13th of September? Because it's the birth of Milton S. Hershey (September 13, 1857 – October 13, 1945) was an American confectioner, philanthropist, and founder of The Hershey Chocolate Company and the "company town" of Hershey, Pennsylvania. 
To celebrate International Chocolate Day, there are so many cities in the world held events on 13th September.
So, as a chocolate lover let's eat some Chocolate not only on September but in daily life. Because it's good for our health. And don't forget to order delicious brownies from us, SoBrown.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5 Happy Foods

5 Happy Foods
Hello, SoBrown’s friends! Do you know, if there are some ways to make the mood we become good or happy in an instant? Yes, one of them is by eating. Quoted from allwomanstlak, here are several foods that can make anyone feel happy at once:
1. Avocado
 Health experts found that avocados are rich in folic acid, naturally occurring chemicals that can increase metabolism and energy in the body. An avocado contains fat but doesn’t make you fat. So you don't have to worry about being fat if you consume the avocado. Avocados can be enjoyed as a juice or eat pieces.

2. Chili
 Indonesian including people interested in the chili or spicy food. For you who like spicy food, it turns out that this can make us always happy. Chili may increase endorphins, a substance that makes people happy and uplifting.

3. Honey
Honey or natural Sugar called fructose contained in honey can improve a person's mood and stamina. Consuming honey at breakfast is a great way to start the day.

4. Almonds
Almonds contain amino acids that can unleash a flow of blood. This bean can make you have more energy and improved mood. Mix with honey and cereals for breakfast, you are ready to live a day.

5. Chocolate
 Chocolate is a food which rich of antioxidants that can fight on disease. Chocolate is believed to be able to make people happy, thanks to its effect on neurotransmitters and endorphins-the substance in the brain that makes people feel good. Various ways to enjoy chocolate starting from the eaten directly or brewed as an ingredient, the maker of cakes and brownies.

So, which food you choose ;-)

5 Makanan Yang Membuat Orang Bahagia
Hallo, sahabat SoBrown! Tahukah kamu, kalau banyak cara untuk membuat mood kita menjadi baik atau bahagia secara instan? Ya, salah satunya adalah dengan makan. Dikutip dari allwomanstlak, berikut adalah beberapa makanan yang dapat membuat orang merasa bahagia seketika:
1. Alpukat
Para pakar kesehatan menemukan bahwa alpukat kaya akan kandungan asam folat, zat kimia alami yang bisa meningkatkan metabolisme serta energi dalam tubuh. Alpukat mengandung lemak namun tidak membuat gemuk. Jadi Anda tidak perlu khawatir akan gemuk jika mengkonsumsi alpukat. Alpukat dapat dinikmati sebagai jus atau dimakan potongan.

2. Cabai
Orang Indonesia termasuk penyuka makanan pedas. Bagi teman teman yang suka makanan pedas, ternyata kebiasaan itu dapat membuat kita selalu gembira. Cabai dapat meningkatkan endorfin, zat yang membuat orang gembira dan semangat.
3. Madu
Gula alami atau biasa disebut fruktosa yang terkandung di dalam madu dapat meningkatkan stamina serta mood seseorang. Mengonsumsi madu saat sarapan, merupakan cara tepat untuk mengawali hari.
4. Kacang Almond
Kacang almond mengandung asam amino yang dapat melancarkan aliran darah. Kacang ini bisa buat Anda memiliki lebih banyak energi serta meningkatkan mood. Campur dengan sereal dan madu untuk menu sarapan, Anda pun siap jalani hari.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

proccess of chocolate

There are many chocolate that you can find in mini market. Have you ever thought how the chocolate made? From what kind of thing chocolate made? From what tree or plant chocolate made? Let me answer the questions. Just for your information guys, actually, chocolate made from a seed of cocoa fruit. The shape of the fruit is like rugby ball. Then, how came rugby ball can be a delicious snack (read: chocolate)? Check the proccess below:
·         Harvest. Pick the fruit from the tree in right time. Only the fruit with perfect ripe can make a good taste and good aroma.
·         Fermentation. The cocoa fruit must be fermentation in five days. In fermentation, we need to check the proccess. The result is not too good if the proccess time is too long.
·         Drainage. The seed must be dried and then choose and separate the good seeds and bad seeds. 100g of chocolate contais of 80-90 seeds, maximum 95 seeds. More than that time, the chocolate will have bad quality.
·         Roasted. The seed must be roasted to make the aroma come out. Temperate, time, and the humidity degree in roasted depends on the seeds. Every seed have different time and temperate.
·         Winnowing.  We use winnowing machine to separate the peel and the nibs.
·         Grinding. The nibs is grind until it become smooth and soft. Better to use stone in grinding. From this proccess,we wil have chocolate liquor.
·         Stiring. We can add or mix the other material such as almond or milk in this proccess.
·         Refinining. Refining has purpose to increasing the tekstur of chocolate.
·         Conching. Conching is smooting. Speed, duration, and temperate of conching will affect the taste of chocolate.
·         Tempering. In this proccess, we do separation based on the milk. We will have cocoa butter and cocoa powder. It called cocoa butter because the colour is white like butter. In this proccess, we mold dark chocolate into bar.

Ada banyak coklat yang dapat anda temukan di mini market. Tapi pernahkah anda berfikir terbuat dari apakah coklat itu? Dari bahan bahan apakah coklat dibuat? Dari pohon atau tanaman apakah coklat berasal? Oke, biarkan saya menjawabnya. Sekedar informasi, coklat sebenarnya berasal dari biji pohon kakao. bentuk buahnya mirip dengan bola rugby. Lalu, bagaimana sebuah bola rugby dapat menjadi sebuah penganan yang lezat? Simak yang satu ini:
·         Panen. Petiklah buah dari pohonnya di saat yang tepat. Hanya buah yang matang dengan sempurnalah yang akan menghilkan rasa dan aroma yang lezat.
·         Fermentasi. Buah terlebih dulu harus di diamkan selama lima hari. Kita harus mengawasi proses ini. Hasilnya tidak akan bagus jika aktu fermentasi terlalu ama.
·         Pengeringan. Biji dikeringkan dan di pilih mana biji yang bagus dan yang jelek. 100gr coklat biasanya terdiri dari 80-90biji, maksimal 95 biji. Jika lebih dari itu, coklat yang dihasilkan akan mempunyaikualtas yang buruk.
·         Pemanggangan. Biji dipanggang untuk mengeluarkan aromanya. Temperatur, waktu, an tingkat kelembapan tergantung pada bijinya. Setiap macam biji mempunyai takaran waktu, temperatur, dan tingkat kelembapan yang berbeda.
·         Pemisahan. Pemisahan dilakukan untuk memisahkan kulit dari biji dengan inti biji.
·         Penggilingan. Biji inti digiling hingga lembut dan halus. Akan lebih bagus jika menggiling menggunakan batu. Dalam proses penggilinagn, kita akan mendapatkan cairan coklat.
·         Pengadukan. Dala proses pengadukan inilahkita dapat menambahkan bahan-bahan lain seperti susu, gula, atau kacang almond kedalam adonan coklat.
·         Penyulingan. Penyulingan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tekstur coklat.
·         Conching. Conching adalah proses menguleni. Kecepatan, durasi, dan suhu akan mempengaruhi rasa dari coklat.
·         Tempering. Yang dimaksudkan tempering adalah coklat harus melalui pemanasan, pendinginan, dan pemanasan kembali. Di bagian ini, kita melakukan pemisahan berdasarkan pengolahan susu. Dalam tahap ini biasanya dihasilkan cocoa butter dan cocoa powder. Cocoa butter inilah yang disebut coklat putih karean warnanya yang mirip mentega. Dalam tahap ini jugalah biasanya coklat gelap dicetak dalam bentuk batangan.
~ ...good chocolate = delicious brownies...~

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Differences Between Steamed Brownies and Baked Brownies

Halo choco lovers,

You have ever tried steamed or baked brownies, haven't you?  They look like the same, doesn't it? Although they're nearly similar, they have some differences in recipes and ways of making. You should have known the differences between steamed and baked brownies, I suppose, since they taste equally delicious.

Do you know that actually steamed brownies is sponge cake? It looks like similar with baked brownies. Steamed Brownies is like sponge cake, but it is denser than sponge's. The batter was essentially the same as the baked brownies. Due to blackish-brown color similar to the Brownies, then it is called Steamed Brownies. 

Baked Brownies
Steamed Brownies

Recipes and ways of making steamed brownies and baked brownies are different. If a recipe and ways of making the steamed is applied to the baked, the result will not be brownies cake but it will most likely Sponge Cake. Steamed brownies is cooked with steamer pot or something that is kind of big pan with cover, while baked brownies is usually cooked with oven. Steamed brownies and baked brownies also have different texture. The steamed one has more moist texture, while baked brownies has more drier texture on the outside and usually sprinkled with almonds. Thus, those things make the two kind of brownies different.

Hopefully it can give you a piece of information about steamed and baked brownies. Bye-bye, Happy Monday all :)

Famous Chocolate Films

Hello again matey! Have you seen some movies that use the word chocolate and the chocolate theme? 

How about Charlie and The Chocolate Factories? JOHNNY DEPP! FREAKIN JOHNNY DEPP.. sorry..

Charlie and the chocolate factory is a great movie casting Johnny Depp.. the film is out in 2005, this film is showing that there is a chocolate factories that rules the chocolate and candy shop through out the world, aren't that interesting?

 The story is about A young boy that wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker Willy Wonka or JOHNNY DEPP.

This is the picture of the magnificent chocolate factory!


You see that Chocolate river.. It;s A CHOCOLATE RIVER!

Looks so tasty ain't it?

Everybody love chocolate... yes but sometime just too much...

Chocolate as Dessert

Hello mate! Today is my posting day, and I will give you some facts about how to chose chocolate for your dessert. Wanna know? :D

There are so many kind of chocolate in the world, you better be know which is which to make your chocolate dessert in your brownies and cake and it will taste better than before! Lets GO!

63 to 72 percent cacao: Darker and more pronounced in flavor than a semisweet, bittersweets are the favorites of many chefs. However, their higher cacao content can make them trickier to work with.
Milk Chocolate
36 to 46 percent cacao: As a rule, look for the darkest milk chocolate you can find for these recipes. The pronounced caramel flavor from the milk is delicious.
Since it does not contain cacao solids, white chocolate is technically not a chocolate. Whether or not you're a fan of this bar of cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla, and milk, there are times when it is just right. I love it in whipped cream, and it is the perfect sweet counterpoint in a sophisticated cake. White chocolate is very easy to work with. Just make sure you choose one with no added vegetable fat.
Unsweetened Chocolate
100 percent cacao: Unsweetened chocolate, as the name implies, is 100 percent cacao with no sugar added. One taste will tell you that it is not meant to be eaten alone. I like to use it in combination with semi- or bittersweet to add depth of flavor. You can also improvise a bittersweet by substituting about 20 percent unsweetened chocolate and 80 percent semisweet for the quantity of bittersweet specified in the recipe.
Cocoa Powder
The recipes in the book all call for Dutch-processed cocoa—totally unsweetened cocoa whose natural acidity has been neutralized by an alkali. Dutch-processed cocoa gives darker chocolate results than ordinary unsweetened cocoa. Cocoa lends chocolate wafers, ice cream, and sorbets wonderful depth of flavor.


Hello mate! Hari ini adalah hari saya mem-post, dan saya akan memberikan beberapa fakta tentang bagaimana memilih cokelat untuk pencuci mulut Anda. Ingin tahu? :D
Ada begitu banyak jenis cokelat di dunia, Anda sebaiknya tahu yang mana untuk membuat chocolate dessert Anda di brownies dan kue dan itu akan terasa lebih baik dari sebelumnya! Lets GO!

63-72 persen kakao : Lebih gelap dan lebih jelas dalam rasa dari tipe semisweet , bittersweets adalah favorit dari banyak koki. Namun, konten kakao yang lebih tinggi dapat membuat mereka lebih sulit untuk bekerja dengan.

Cokelat Susu
36-46 persen kakao : Cokelat susu lebih enak disandingkan dengan Dark Cokelat, karena rasa karamel yang lebih dominan.
Karena tidak mengandung padatan kakao, coklat putih secara teknis bukan cokelat. Iya atau tidakkah Anda penggemar dari bar ini: cocoa butter, gula ,vanili ,dan susu, Whipped cream, dan itu adalah rasa yang terbalik sempurna manis dalam kue yang canggih. Coklat putih sangat mudah untuk dicampurkan. Pastikan Anda memilih sal ah satu dengan yang rendah dan serta lemak nabati yang ditambahkan.

Cokelat tanpa pemanis
100 persen kakao: coklat tanpa pemanis, adalah 100 persen kakao tanpa tambahan gula. Satu rasa akan memberitahu Anda bahwa itu tidak dimaksudkan untuk dimakan sendiri. Saya ingin menggunakannya dalam kombinasi dengan semi- atau bittersweet untuk menambah kedalaman rasa. Anda juga dapat berimprovisasi pahit dengan menggantikan sekitar 20 persen cokelat tanpa pemanis dan 80 persen semisweet untuk jumlah pahit ditentukan dalam resep.

Bubuk Cokelat
Resep-resep dalam buku semua panggilan untuk Belanda kakao olahan kakao - benar tanpa pemanis yang keasaman alami telah dinetralkan oleh alkali. Kakao olahan Belanda memberikan hasil coklat gelap dari Kakao tanpa pemanis biasa.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Delicious and Healthy

Hallo readers, at this moment SoBrown will share some information for you about the good of eating brownies.

Eat delicious food and get good impact for health is everybody’s wish. Good food made from good material of course will make a good impact for our body. Brownies, this kind of food also has benefits for our health.

Brownies are made from chocolate, wheat, eggs, sugar, butter, and the other materials. Eating brownies can increase stamina because of the carbohydrate in the wheat. Not only carbohydrate from the wheat but also fat, protein, and glucose.

The protein in eggs use as a cholesterol deterrent. Eggs also useful to reduce the evil fats in the body. However, butter which was made ​​from fat, when use it with an appropriate dose it would give a good impact for our body. Choclate in brownies also has good impact for health. It gives a calming efect for our body, it also prevents heart atack and cancer.

A piece of brwonies (50 grams) contains of 189.5 calories and 31.25 grams of carbohydrates, 2.38 grams of protein, 6.56 grams of fat. source